Eating in moderation.
What is eating in moderation?
How can i maximise having all the nutrients in my meals?
I kept thinking on what can i do in order to achieve my optimum performance.
Today, i read through books on how can one get the best from what they eat. I noted down key points and relevant informations which able to assist me.
I checked out on the singapore health pyramid on the given amounts needed.
Health Pyramid, extract from Singapore Health Association:
From the pyramid-I need to have intake which compromises of : Rice and Alternatives, Fruit/Vegetables,Meats and small amount of sugars, salts,oils and fats.
Why do I need these intake daily?
Fruits and vegetables are essential in helping me to replenish my energy. Beside that having right amounts of mentioned above, able to circulate my blood better.
As my body still need to grow, Rice and Alternative are needed too.
I love fruits...especially fruits with highest value of nutrients (e.g. papaya and etc).
Today, i had papaya again and kiwi. Fruits which are high in vitamin c and e. Beside that, I ate baked rice with potato salad and blackpepper chicken.
Delicious, yet healthy at the same time cause most of the methods use to prepare the dish does not involve frying. No big amount of oil uses.
I do agree like most of us will think that having a healthy life, we have to forgo our favourite foods like chicken and etc. But, from the informations that i have gotten...Having a healthy meal can be delicious too. The key point is how you prepare the dish. I will try to cook up a meal next time for myself. A healthy Meal.
You have to do more blogging about your Smart Goal.