Me and My Cousins.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Research on a Healthy Lifestyle Part1_1

Research on my Healthy Lifestyle 1_1

What is leading a healthy lifestyle? Who introduce this healthy lifestyle campaign? What are theright techniques are there in leading a healthy lifestyle?

I am really curious to know the answers of the above questions.

This week, I got myself busy with getting sources of information from various websites. I searched numerous websites for the answers.Thus, below are the extracted informations that I have found.

What is the meaning of leading a healthy lifestyle?

Extracted from nestle Singapore,

"for a healthy lifestyle goes beyond balanced diets and exercises. In fact, it is a total way of life, encompassing the physical, mental and emotional aspects."

What does this mean?

A healthy lifestle compromises a healthy mind, body and soul. You are what you eat. You are what you think.You are of what you belief too. A healthy lifestyle is more than going for jog or eating vegteables. It is the way youcarry out your daily activities with positive attitudes. By going for bed early and letting your body to have adequate rest, youare allowing your body to replenish and revitalise for the next day.

What are the methods in achiving a healthy lifestyle?


Whole body need to be in proper function to have a healthy lifestyle.

One of the biggest problems in singapore today is lack of activity. We know it's good for us but avoid it like the plague either because we're used to being sedentary or afraid that exercise has to be vigorous to be worth our time. The truth is, movement is movement and the more you do, the healthier you'll be. Even moderate activities like chores, gardening and walking can make a difference.

Just adding a little movement to your life can:

Reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes and

Improve joint stability
Increase and improve range of movement.
Help maintain flexibility as you age.

Maintain bone mass .
Prevent osteoporosis and fractures.

Improve mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression
Enhance self esteem .
Improve memory in elderly people .

Reduce stress

So, even if you opt for small changes and a more modest weight loss, you can see the benefits are still pretty good. One study has found that just a 10% weight reduction helped obese patients reduce blood pressure, cholesterol and increase longevity.

So many good points in doing excercises. I will do it to achieve my goal.

1 comment:

  1. Good blogging of info and progress. Keep on the good work regularly.
